Molly Brydie
Fay Godwin

Godwin is a British photographer who is well known for her black and white landscapes. Many of her images have a symmetrical composition. All of her images tend to be of landscapes that have been edited to black and white as this gives the images almost an unnatural presence, due to her images creating an unnatural presence this fits with my overall theme of Ruins. I am going to use Godwin’s style of photography to help develop my own ideas, my taking a photoshoot of different landscapes and editing them into black and white, also I am going to try and take the images to have a radial and asymmetrical compositions. This will help fit with my theme of Ruins as well as following the style similar to that of Godwin.
Godwin’s first image is a small tunnel, which looks likely to be in the woods, her images has a atonal composition as the main point of focus is the centre of the tunnel/archway. Because the engagement of the subject matter is distant, it has made the image seem creepy due to this and the image being edited into black and white.