Molly Brydie

Photoshoot 6

I had explored Ushaw College in Durham which is a derelict college that was founded in 1808 and has been abandoned since 2011, it was forced to close after there was a shortage of vocations in the Roman Catholic Church and that the site was to be sold. The concept of this photo shoot was to relate it to my overall topic of ruins and to take image that of an abandoned architecture, which relates to my ideas in my statement of intent.
I have chosen to analyse my first image, I had edited the curves on the image to make the overall image brighter, I had done this the image was very dark and it was hard to see of the different decay elements in the image. The main point of focus in the image is the centre point because it is the darkest point in the image it also makes it unclear to what it at the end of the corridor and this will intrigue the viewer making it the point of focus. The image was taken at a straight angle, as I wanted to capture all of the decayed elements such as the peeling wallpaper/paint chippings throughout the image.
My second image, I had edited the curves on the image as it was over exposed, made it difficult to see all of the textures. The main point of focus in this image is the blue door as it is such a striking colour and the rest of the image is all in decay and ruins, leaving it to be the only structure in the image that is in tack making it even more striking to the viewer. The image was taken at a straight angle, as I wanted to capture the elements of decay such as the broken debris on the ground, the peeling wallpaper, cracked tiles and bricks and the collapsed roof. To develop this photoshoot further I could have explored the building more thoroughly and taken more images at different angles to create more outcomes.