Molly Brydie
Photoshoot 11

I had explored a car scrap yard in Hartlepool. The idea/concept behind this photoshoot was to capture the ruin elements of cars/ car engines from the scrap yard. I had taken this shoot at midday so there was enough lighting and I was able to stay at this location for a larger period of time. My first image was taken through the centre of the stacked cars, however due to the bright lighting I had to edit the curves on the image to darken it as there were parts that were overexposed and hard to see the image were the lighting was reflecting of the surfaces of the car. I taken the image at this angle I wanted to capture the ruined elements of the cars, which have been stacked together. The engagement of the subject matter is distant but also close up in some parts of the image. All of the different colours of the cars create a contrast between them however I feel this image does not have any type of composition. My second image is of different stacked cars and ruins of cars. The image was taken at this angle because I wanted to capture all of the stacked cars and the remains the car that was in front of the cars also. I edited the curves in this mages as it was also over exposed because of the harsh lighting. There is a contrast between the less ruined stacked cars and the remains on the car on the ground as well as the colours of the cars. I feel this photoshoot was successful but to develop my ideas further I could have taken some images of single car parts and engines.