Molly Brydie
Photoshoot 5

I explored Embleton Church in County Durham which is a derelict medieval church that has been abandoned since the 14th century, surrounding the church is a small graveyard. The idea\concept behind this photo shoot was to try and relate it to my overall topic of Ruins, to take images of an abandoned church similar to the ideas in my statement of intent.I have chosen to analyse my first image, I had taken this photo shoot in the daylight, as the lighting was good allowed me to stay at the location for a long period of time. I had edited the curves on the image to make the overall image darker.
By doing this it creates more of a contrast between the sunlight on the far wall and the paint chippings and textures on all of the walls. Due to editing the curves the contrast is the main point of focus as it is such a large contrast it has created a sharp detail that attracts the viewer. The engagement with the subject matter throughout the photo shoot can be seen as direct and distant. I had taken the image at a straight on angle, as I wanted to captured the contrast between two different elements in the image as well as other elements of decay such as the broken stained glass window, broken roof.
The idea/concept behind my second image was to capture the all of the different decay and ruins outside of the abandoned church. I had edited the curves on this image to make the decayed textures on the window and the walls more prominent and to create a contrast between the decayed textures and the sunlight. I had taken the image at this angle, as I wanted to capture the branches from the outside of the church peering inside which has created a contrast with the blue sky, because of the contrast also being atonal and creating a sharp detail, it makes the contrast also the main point of focus. I am happy with the way my images turned out however to develop this photoshoot further I could have taken more images with a larger variety of angles.