Molly Brydie

Photoshoot 7

I had explored the abandoned fire station in Hartlepool. The concept of this photoshoot was to capture the element of Ruins which is my overall topic, and to take images of abandoned buildings. I have chosen to analyse my first image, I had taken this image using the cameras flash, to capture all of the different colours of the moss on the bars. The main focus of this image is the moss covered bars because of the bright green coloured moss and with the first railing being very clear compared to the others it also makes it the main point of focus as well as it also the point of focus. I had taken this image at this off centre angle because I had wanted to capture more than one of the moss covered railings, also with taking the image at this angle with the flash it creates a contrast between the bright green moss and the dark background it makes all of the colours of the moss and the different textures around the railing easier to see.My second image, I had edited the curves in the image as it was over exposed and the white paint chipping in the image were reflecting some harsh lighting which made it hard to see the decayed elements, so with editing the curves making the overall image darker it made all of the elements easier to see and the mood of the image. This image has a Radial composition as the viewer’s eye is directed to the centre of the image. I had the intention of going inside the building and capturing more elements of Ruins/Decay but the building was fenced off which made the photoshoot more difficult as all of the images had to be taken from the same place but using different angles to capture the structure of the building. To develop this photoshoot further I could have explored the other side of the building to capture different parts of the building.